NERAP is committed to supporting care-experienced students.

The five universities in the North East Region (Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Teesside and Sunderland) have developed a collaborative, whole-institution response to support care-experienced students evidenced through the Care Leaver Covenant.

To ensure support for care-experienced students is sustained throughout their higher education journey, all five universities have signed up to the Care Leaver Covenant as a regional partnership via the existing NERAP Partnership. This means that students who choose to study at any of the university Partners will be guaranteed continued support to access, succeed and progress. 

The five universities have committed (during 2022-23) to developing a level of support that is consistent at each institution. All care-experienced students get the same core access to interventions aligned to the Care Leaver Covenant core outcomes, complemented by additional bespoke support where offered within individual institutions.

As a Partnership, we have adopted the broader definition of ‘care-experienced,’ as this term is inclusive of the range of care settings someone may have experienced.

Our definition of care-experienced is someone who, at any stage of their life, and for any length of time, has been in care e.g., looked after by the local authority. This includes the following:

  • spent time in the care of the local authority (e.g. foster care or children’s home)
  • privately fostered
  • ‘looked after at home’ under a supervision order
  • in kinship foster care (where a friend or family member becomes the foster carer). Kinship care through a formal arrangement, recognised by a Local Authority, and could be prior to a Special Guardianship Order.

If you require more information on the Care Leaver Covenant, please email via: You can also find details about each university partner below.

Find details of our Partner Universities and their offers here

Durham University
Durham University
Support for care-experienced students Care Leaver Covenant Offer
Boawe Rankin – Carr, Access and Engagement Assistant
Newcastle University
Newcastle University
Support for care-experienced students Care Leaver Covenant Offer
Scott Douglass - Student Recruitment Coordinator
Northumbria University
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
Support for care-experienced students Care Leaver Covenant Offer
Wendy Price - Head of Widening Access and Participation
Teesside University
Teesside University
Support for care-experienced students Care Leaver Covenant Offer
Gary Crawley - Student Recruitment Manager

Have a question for one of our Partner Universities?

See our policy for this contact form.